We are pleased to announce the date and time of the February English Chat Room.
2/13 (火) 7:00p.m.〜8:00 p.m.
2/27 (火) 7:00p.m.〜8:00 p.m.
Notice: English Chat Room will be held as usual on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from February to March.
(In case of heavy snow, the Chat Room may be cancelled suddenly.)
会場:市民プラザ2F 上越国際交流協会(JOIN)
The Place: Joetsu International Network (JOIN) on the 2nd floor of Shimin Plaza.
参 加 費 Participation Fee:
This event will be held at the JOIN table, so the fee is NOT required.
*You need to become a member of JOIN.
Please contact us about this.
Non-members may participate in the trial (one time only).