We are pleased to announce the date and time of the August English Chat Room.
8/8 (火)19:00〜20:00
8月より、会場は市民プラザ2階 上越国際交流協会(JOIN)です。
From August, this event will be held in the Joetsu International Network (JOIN) on the 2nd floor of Shimin Plaza.
参 加 費 Participation Fee:
※JOINの会員(年会費 2,000円)には、なる必要があります。体験(1回のみ)は、非会員でも参加できます。
From now on, this event will be held at the JOIN table, so the fee is NOT required.
*You need to become a member of JOIN (annual membership fee 2,000 yen). Non-members may participate in the trial (one time only).
Please feel free to join us!
問合せ TEL. 025-527-3615